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Overheard at AUC is a forum for posting funny things overheard on the AUC campus, dorms or buses. It is in NO way endorsed by the university. This website is intended to be all in good fun, not to insult any group or individual. Please keep comments anonymous. To submit your anecdote email it to aehogan@aucegypt.edu .

Friday, September 18, 2009


Two professors on the bus talking aboout buying the Amazon Kindle . . .

"Yah, when you have three hundred dollars and return back to civilization, you can buy one."

Monday, September 14, 2009

They All Look Alike

In translation class with an elderly Egyptian professor.

Professor: Is everyone here American?
Asian Student: No, I am not.
Professor: Are you from Japan? I can never tell between people from Japan and China and those countries, they all look the same to me . . .
Asian Student: *shock*
Professor: Where are you from?
Asian Student: Korea
Professor: (looking at other students) Can you tell the difference?

OMFG. Cultural sensitivity training.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Scanner: the latest technology in Egypt

While in the library standing next to a scanner . . . girl points to the scanner . . .

"Is this where stuff prints out?"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama Effect

At our visit to Old Cairo--little boy notices a black person- "African? African? little boy says to black American student. Student responds, "No, American." Little boy replies: "Obama! Yes, we can!" Other little boys selling things and yelling, "Yankee Doodle".

I already have a wife . . .

On the bus on our way to Khan-el-Khalili- "I just want your money, I already have a wife."

I could be Egyptian . . .

Girl on the bus to Zamalek . . . "I could totally be Egyptian if I put on a headscarf and shut the fuck up."

Friend replies "But you will never do either."

Adam and Eve - in the Bible?

Professor: I have read the bible.
Student: You know how Eve gave Adam the apple and that's why God punished women with childbirth pains.
Professor: Eve gave the apple to Adam ?!?!

((Did you skip the first five pages?))